We’re all looking for ways to save money on our AC bill during the hottest time of the summer. The median cost to cool a 2,500-square-foot house in the summer is $133 per month, according to sense.com. That can rise to nearly $500 per month in hot climates. Even in relatively cooler states, the cost can be budget-busting in major metropolitan areas.
Follow these simple tips for keeping your home cool while saving a few bucks on your electric bill.
Check for Problems With the HVAC Unit
Check for circulation inefficiencies. A cracked seal on a door or window may be letting precious cool air escape. You may have absent-mindedly placed an obstruction over one of the vents that lets the cool air into the home. If you’re a homeowner, look to see if you need to add insulation or replace what is already there.
Close the Blinds to Save Money This Summer
One of the simplest solutions is to adjust the amount of sunlight coming in the home. Wide-open spaces with lots of sunlight are popular attractions, but they can be difficult to cool. Close blinds or curtains; you’ll feel cooler and the ambient temperature should drop.
Add a Fan
Buy a fan. Large, high-powered fans can cool a big, shared space by themselves. A small, appropriately placed desk fan can cool smaller spaces. You may be able to set your thermostat warmer with the addition of a fan, or save even more money by turning off the AC unit completely for a few hours.
Turn off the Television to Cool a Room
You may be able to make your living space cooler by reducing the use of some electronics or appliances in the home. Large flat-panel televisions generate heat, as does your laptop. Use power-saving settings on your electronics to generate less heat and save money. You can also invest in an outdoor grill to avoid having to turn on stoves and ovens several times a day.
Conduct Regular HVAC Maintenance
Maintenance is important for your HVAC. You can do some things yourself, like checking the unit for debris and leaks, and changing the filters inside your home regularly. This can keep your HVAC unit from working too hard, which is important because an overtaxed system could lead to a costly repair and a hotter summer than you’d anticipated.
So, try these tips to keep the heat outside of your home and outside of your wallet. And if problems do arise, the professional HVAC technicians at Knight’s Mechanical are here for you.
Photo From: Depositiphotos
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