It’s sad but true. You don’t really think about your hot water heater until it fails you – that untimely moment when disaster strikes, flooding the basement in the middle of the night, when you are away on vacation, or when your mother-in-law is visiting. When it fails, it usually does so spectacularly. We advise that you get at least a little acquainted with the mechanics of this machine that you and your family depend upon for a comfortable home and happier life. You can diagnose and manage some hot water heater leaks. And when you need a professional, call Knight’s Mechanical.
Pay Attention
Any amount of water pooled on the floor around your hot water heater in your storage room or basement is a sign of further trouble ahead. Don’t wait for a puddle to become a deluge. Any moisture, water stains or marks indicates there is a problem. There should be no leakage whatsoever. A leaky temperature and pressure valve means that it is defective. Check the water temperature. Check the valve for signs of corrosion or mineral buildup. Is your water hard or soft? Know a bit about the equipment and what you are working with. If the valve looks clean, there are a few other possibilities to consider. The age of your hot water heater is definitely a factor. A licensed professional can help you diagnose and manage more complicated problems.
Flush the System, Stay Alert
It is imperative to flush your hot water heating system a few times a year to “get the gunk out,” aka purge the sediment that can build up from the minerals in your well or municipal water. Another thing that homeowners can do in order to be proactive and preventive is to buy an inexpensive sensor that sounds an alarm when water is detected. These are small things that require only an adjustable wrench or a $15 investment but that could save you a lot of time and money.
Hot water heaters must be maintained, and eventually replaced. None will last forever. But with proper care and a little knowledge, your hot water heater can serve your house and family well for many years. When it’s time to replace, upgrade, or manage a problematic system, call the experts at Knight’s Mechanical.
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