If you are a new homeowner or haven’t had to do any major plumbing repair at your home, there is a good chance that you don’t know where your septic tank is located.

As a responsible homeowner, you should know the location of your septic tank. First, you don’t want to be searching for it when you have an emergency such as your sewer backing up, as you’ll likely be in a panic.  And secondly, you should know where it is for the simple fact that it’ll need regular maintenance to avoid a malfunction.

The septic tank isn’t always associated with muck and a foul smell. As a result, most people don’t know where it is. Here are some tips to help you locate it.

Review Property Records

As a homeowner, you should have access to the documents and records of the property that you own. Property records include:

  • Property deed
  • Septic tank permit
  • Property survey map
  • Septic tank map

These records usually indicate the location on the property where the septic tank is located. Reviewing these documents can help you locate your septic tank. We recommend getting a copy of the tank’s location map, and keeping it in a safe place.

Know the Exit Points of Your Indoor Plumbing

All pipes lead somewhere. The outlet pipes of the toilets, sinks and other plumbing fixtures in your building have connections that will eventually lead to the septic tank. As a result, you can locate your septic tank by tracing the outlets of your indoor plumbing.

Do a Physical Search

Sometimes, the most effective way to find your home’s septic tank is to search for it. Although the septic tank isn’t usually visible, certain indicators allude to its presence. These indicators include:

  • A small hill or elevation in the grade of your lawn
  • Pipes coming out of your basement or somewhere on the lawn
  • Patches of greener grass in a certain area of your lawn

Leave Your Plumbing Issues to the Professionals

Knight’s Mechanical is a team of plumbing consultants who are experts at fixing sewer blockages and all other forms of plumbing repair. With years of experience meeting and exceeding the expectations of our clients, we have become known for excellence and professionalism.

Contact us today to get quick, effective solutions to all  your plumbing issues.

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