Hard water is tap water that contains too much calcium, magnesium, and/or other minerals. These contaminants can cause serious problems for your health and home if not appropriately dealt with.

If you suspect your home has hard water, look out for the following warning signs:

  • Stained Water Outlets
    Stubborn, crusty stains that won’t come off when scrubbed indicate your water may be harder than it should be. These stains are often found on faucets and around drains.
  • Appliance Problems
    Hard water is hard on dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters, and pipes. Look for stained clothes and residue on dishes and/or in the dishwasher. A water heater that continually runs out of hot water and appliances that wear out faster than normal are also tell-tale signs of hard water.
  • High Water Bills
    Accumulated minerals in your pipes cause your water system to work harder than it would otherwise. This results in high utility bills.
  • Unpleasant Taste and Smell
    Some people don’t mind the taste and smell of hard water. A whopping 85% of homes have hard water, and many people simply get used to it. On the other hand, many individuals have found that hard water tastes like chalk or chemicals.
  • Health Issues
    Water with a high mineral content can cause dry hair, dry and itchy skin, and brittle nails. People who have a hard time drinking hard water often turn to other beverages to quench their thirst. This can lead to health problems such as dehydration.

If you notice any of the warning signs outlined above, purchase a water test kit. Results over 61mg per liter indicate a hard water problem. If the result is over 120 mg, you have a severe hard water problem.

What Is the Solution?

A water softening system can effectively eliminate unwanted minerals from your water supply. These systems are available in various sizes, types, and price points to suit the needs of any home.

A good plumber can help you identify the system that’s the best fit for your home and select the right place to install it. Your system should be as close to the main water line as possible. It should also be near a drain, power outlet, and your home’s water heater.

Knight’s Mechanical offers reliable water softening systems and system installation services to suit any homeowner’s needs and budget. Get in touch with us to learn about the options and to get a free quote.

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