A heat pump system can enhance your existing HVAC system, or replace what is already there. We work with homeowners on an HVAC system plan that is right for the weather conditions, size of the home, and budget of the homeowner.

Installing a new heat pump in your home has a number of benefits. It’s a quiet system, so it will keep your home at a comfortable temperature with minimal noise. A heat pump system does not rely on gas, and the system itself runs with maximum efficiency. The system produces both cold and hot air, so you only need to have one system if you don’t experience below-freezing temperatures frequently.

There are several disadvantages to installing a heat pump system in your home, and it’s beneficial to talk this over with your HVAC company. It’s a system that has a high upfront cost up, and it relies completely on electricity. If the power goes out, you don’t have any heat or cooling capabilities. Also, a small amount of carbon is used when the system is running.

You can replace your existing heating system with a heat pump, but pay attention to how cold it gets in your area. If you frequently experience temperatures below zero, you will want to have a secondary heating source. The system both warms and cools your home, and one heat pump can take care of your entire home if the pump is large enough.

Your heat pump can be used along with your current HVAC system, enhancing your ability to keep your home comfortable. Saving money with the system will depend on the cost of the fuel used to heat or cool your home. It’s efficient, and should save you money over the long term.

To keep your system in great shape, consider a preventive maintenance contract. During a service visit, your system will be inspected, air filters changed, and any problems addressed. A service log is kept so a history of all maintenance is easily accessible.

If you are looking to enhance or replace your existing HVAC system, it’s time to see how Knight’s Mechanical can help. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of installing a heat pump in your home.

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